English Bulldog
vs OEB
If you thought English Bulldogs and the 'Olde English Bulldogge' are almost the same, think again! They may be similar, but if you look closely you’ll see that there are quite a few key distinctions. Olde English Bulldogges are taller and less stocky than regular British Bulldogs, with more normal-sized heads and fewer wrinkles. They also tend to have longer noses, and so they’re less likely to suffer from brachycephaly or other respiratory ailments. They still closely resemble their English cousins — just a more stretched-out version. And while English Bulldogs aren’t known for being particularly aggressive, Olde English Bulldogges were specifically bred to eliminate as much aggressive behavior as possible, making them excellent family pets.
Olde English Bulldogge

Average Height (adult): 17-20 inches
Average Weight (adult): 50-80 pounds
Lifespan: 11-14 years
Exercise: 35+ min/day
Grooming needs: Low
Family-friendly: Yes
Dog-friendly: Yes
Trainability: Easy - Moderate
English Bulldog

Average Height (adult): 16-17 inches
Average Weight (adult): 40-55 pounds
Lifespan: 8-10 years
Exercise: 30 min/day
Grooming needs: Low
Family-friendly: Yes
Dog-friendly: Often
Trainability: Easy - Moderate
English Bulldog or OEB, How to choose
Whether you choose an olde English Bulldogge or a more traditional English Bulldog depends largely on your individual preferences and situation. Olde English Bulldogge, although growing fast in popularity, are still more rare and it may be harder to find a reputable breeder. However, doing your do diligence and research to find a quality Olde English Bulldogge will end up paying of in the long run. A well bred Olde English Bulldogge tends to require far fewer veterinary visits than English Bulldogs due to their improved health and upgraded physique. Therefore, unless you just really prefer the look of an English Bulldog or have trouble finding a breeder in the area, there is really no reason not to go with an Olde English Bulldogge over the traditional version.